We have not time to play Fascist vs Zionist again in a third world war.
There are 3 armies with 200 million men, the Chinese, the Indians and the Islamic Sphere
u can always vote for yourself, remember that
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We have not time to play Fascist vs Zionist again in a third world war.
There are 3 armies with 200 million men, the Chinese, the Indians and the Islamic Sphere
u can always vote for yourself, remember that
[democracy id=”71″]
Argentina harbored the Nazis after the 2nd world war…
Messi thinks he’s the MESS IAH
because he gave sight to the blind:
One of the most innovative AI-power machine vision companies is closely linked with Lionel Messi, and now OrCam Technologies are attempting …
i wasn’t even allowed to compete against MESSI AH
He already has his golden boot on, he is so confident he will be top goal scorer
Putin is prepared to END THE WORLD
if NATO troops cross the Russian border
I feel that the most PIUS team will win
and peace will break out all over the world if the right team wins
a soldier of the apocalypse
What are you saying PUTIN???
u are prepared to END THE WORLD
if your SLAVS don’t win???
The missile is called MIKHAIL G 1
not satan, lying capitalist pig
I voted 4 Madonna. She would win in an unrigged world vote.
I fulfilled the prophecy RONALDO…you are just a sore loser
Psalm 146:8. 8 the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous.
Leo my son, you are now in the world election.
So are you Cristiano.
What about me? Please Pope Francis.
I deserve a chance as World President.
This could be humankind’s finest hour.
If we act boldly and stop the lawnmower man.
Next this insane, unwell man will be saying my family funded the third Reich…
Spielbergo, do for me what you did for Oscar Schindler.
Stay alive till 25.
In 2025 we will TERMINATE THE DEBT.